BELSORP-maxX - the new BELSORP for the fastest, highest precision and most accurate sorption measurements on multiple samples.
Everything about BELSORP-max X has been designed to make it :
Accurate physisorption measurement
- Temperature stabilised gas manifold as standard.
- The Advanced Free Space Measurement (AFSM™ ) gives the best baseline and accuracy.
- Everything is selected to give the cleanest vacuum
- Improved materials, metallurgy, and reduced seal count
- Ceramic element pressure sensors for better low pressure performance
- … and better long-term stability compared to metal diaphragms
- Reduced internal surface area. Did we say how small it is ?
- faster degassing, fewer virtual gas sources
- lower ultimate outgas rate.
- Enhanced ultimate vacuum
- Very low starting pressure for ultramicropore analysis - sensors down to 13 Pa ( 0.1 Torr ) as an option
- In-situ high temperature degassing option, for best reproducibility. Also allows re-activation of sample for repeat testing. Complements our independent degassing units
Vapour ready
- Dosimetry thermostat as standard (50 °C, 80 °C optional)
- Compact size decreases thermal losses and improves thermal uniformity
- Extra forced air circulation and all-round isolation ensures no cold spots
- Condensation-free vapour absorption up to 90 %P/P_0_ up to 40 °C
Easy to use and maintain
- The reduced size and weight includes the refrigerant Dewar and thermostats.
- Build in protocols for gas bottle switch and decontamination
- Slide and latch switch between temperature environments
- Maintenance alarms for pump service and preventive maintenance
- Simplified modular design - lower component count, higher reliability.
- Unified software package.
- Simpler support.
- Smoother transition with more choice going from
Simple mode
toProfessional mode
- Makes it harder to make mistakes, even for beginners.
- Further improvements to the automatic self-diagnostic test procedures to verify correct functioning
Fast measurements
- Simultaneous measurement of up to 3 samples in high precision mode. (4 for rapid BET/mesopore analysis).
- GDO : Gas Dosing Optimisation - allows the instrument to learn optimal settings based on previous sample results.
Rapid BET
mode- New AFSM-2™ free space compensation:
- Pre-calibration of empty cells
- fast measurements without dead-space measurement
- Direct measurement of Net absorption
Flexible and upgradable
- Up to 90 hour cryogen autonomy at 77 K.
- Possibility of refill with automatic AFSM compensation for level change.
- Offers simple upgrade path as your requirements change:
- Optional Kinetic mode for absorption rate determination
- Temperature control devices available for different temperature regimes.
- Fully automatic, unattended, degas + measurement.
- Multiple software-selectable gas inputs (up to 12)
- Upgrades of analysis ports for low pressures
- Vapour sorption option
Full version BELSORP-maxX instrument control software is supplied for measurement, configuration and test.
Allows fully automatic measurement, with an absolute minimum of configuration. As required, the user has the possibility to customise each part of the configuration, from (option) in-situ degassing, leak checking, through to the fine details of pressure step, dose size, and equilibration criteria.
Separate BELMaster Data Analysis software runs independently on multiple computers. The comprehensive library of data analysis models includes all common traditional models for data analysis and treatment.
- Surface area (single and multi-point B.E.T., Langmuir, STSA, t-plot, alpha-s, DR),
- Pore size (BJH, DH, DA, MP, HK, SF) with their corresponding surface area values,
- Heats of adsorption,
- Fractal Dimension analysis
- BELMaster also includes NLDFT, GCMC simulation for pore size fitting.
- …
Sample pretreatment
The in-situ furnace is widely used for sample outgassing when only low numbers of samples are to be measured.
It is highly recommended for microporous materials, which rapidly absorb traces of environmental humidity and other contaminants, even when self-sealing cell fittings.
For higher throughput, we have a range of options for sample preparation and degassing, including both in-situ and independent devices, manual and automatic. Please contact us for details.
You might also like our BELSORP mini X instrument, for high speed sorption measurements.
For more information, please send us a message from our contact page , or see our details below.