BEL instruments : BELSORP, BELCAT, BELPYCNO, and BELPORE Instruments for Surface Area, Porosimetry, Chemisorption, Density Measurement.
BEL instruments, designed and manufactured in Japan by the BEL company, are innovative, reliable, and high perfomance sorption analysers.
BELSORP - Sorption of gas and vapours; Surface Area and Porosimetry
Multiple-sample sorption analysers, based around the patented AFSM™ method, giving best-of-class repeatability and accuracy.
- BELSORP-max-X :
replaces and enhances the capabilities of the BELSORP-max II:
High performance, adaptable, and reliable sorption measurements for :
- BET analysis, SSA, surface area,
- Porosity, PSD, pore size distribution,
- Microporosity, mesoporosity, powders, catalysts
- Innovative design for the most accurate sorption measurements.
- 3 samples in high accuracy AFSM™ mode
- Versatile and upgradable platform with a variety of options for low area, low pressure, variable temperatures, vapours.
- BELSORP-max-G:
- A small footprint economic version with one sample station for users who do not require the full functionality of the BELSORP-max-X
- For high precision pure gas sorption, Krypton surface area, low pressures…
- Contact us for more details
- BELSORP-miniX :
High speed gas sorption measurement with a variety of gases, for Surface
area and porosity analysis
- BET analysis, mesopore distributions,
- Up to 4 samples.
- Optimised for high throughput, with many features found in higher performance instruments.
: High throughput single and multi-point BET analysis by the flowing
dynamic method.
- BET analysis
- Simultaneous pretreatment and analysis.
BELPORE Mercury Porosimeters
The BELPORE instruments offer a unique capability for mercury intrusion porosimetry, adressing applications which cannot be met by any other technique. Please contact us for more details.
Chemisorption analysis
- BELCAT II: Pulsed
chemisorption, continuous flow.
- TPO, TPR, TPD : oxidation, reduction, reaction, desorption.
- Fully Automated flowing and pulsed chemisorption.
- TPO, TPR, TPD : oxidation, reduction, reaction, desorption.
- BELmetal II : Metal surface area analysis of catalyst materials.
Density Measurement by gas pycnometry
- BEL-Pycno: Automatic helium pycnometry for determination of true density
- New: BEL-Pycno-L for a wider range of applications, including sample sizes up to 135 cm3