advancing sorption science

IGA-003 for Dynamic gas and vapour sorption

 A typical configuration for a continuous flow dynamic sorption experiment.
A typical configuration for a continuous flow dynamic sorption experiment.

With multiple flows of gas or vapour, the IGA-003 allows gravimetric sorption measurements with independent control of flow, pressure and temperature. This permits dynamic sorption studies with single or mixed gases, as well as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and temperature-programmed reaction studies such as TPD, TPO and TPR.

Optional capabilities include:

Other possibilities for dynamic sorption measurements include:

Also, for static sorption studies:

If you would like to discuss your application, please contact us.

Mercer Instruments specialises in the supply and support of scientific instruments for measurements of sorption, and characterisation of pore size and surface area.
Mercer Instruments
for gas and vapour sorption.
In France, Italy, Switzerland, and Benelux.
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