IGA-001 for Gravimetric Gas Sorption analysis

The IGA-001 is the original member of the IGA series of vacuum microbalance systems for high resolution measurements of gas sorption over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. The gravimetric sorption method, with real-time kinetic analysis provides unique information about sorption processes and phenomena.
The IGA-001 is used in a wide range of different industries and research fields, for characterisation of porous and non-porous materials.
Some typical applications for the IGA-001 include…
Sorption capacity and kinetics for:
- Sorption isotherms for a wide range of gases
- Isotherm mapping and PCT measurements up to 20 bar
- Gas solubility
- Kinetics, Transport and Diffusion coefficients
- Differential Heat of sorption, Differential Entropy of Sorption
- Physisorption isotherms for a wide range of gases.
- BET Specific Surface Area and porosity (N2, CO2, or other gases)
- Sorption capacity
- Sorption thermodynamics
- Diffusion analysis
- In Situ degas/activation
Hydrogen Storage:
- PCT mapping (Pressure-Composition-Temperature)
- PCI measurement (Pressure-Composition Isotherms)
- Hydriding kinetics
- Phase Transition analysis
- Hydrogen storage capacity
- Cyclic stability
- Hydrogen diffusion coefficient
- In Situ activation
- Many options are available for IGA-001 :
- enhanced pressure ranges
- temperature controllers, furnaces, waterbaths, cryogenics - allowing measurements over a broad range of pressures and temperatures.
- Upgrade to IGA-002 configuration for static vapour sorption
- Upgrade for Dynamic Vapour Sorption
- Mixed gas experiments
- Temperature-programmed methods, such as TPD/TPR, etc.
- Mass spectrometry for reaction product analysis.
Some related possibilities include:
- Sorption of vapours with IGA-002
- Dynamic Vapour Sorption(DVS) with the IGAsorp
- Multicomponent gas and vapour sorption with the IGA-003
- Thermal Desorption Analysis for Hydrogen Storage with IMI-FLOW
- IMI volumetric Sieverts’ instrument for Hydrogen Storage
If you would like to discuss your application, please contact us.