IGA Gravimetric analysers for Sorption Analysis

IGA instruments are widely used in both research and industry for gravimetric measurements of gas and vapour sorption.
A modular and upgradable design with many options and accessories allows measurements over a broad range of pressures and temperatures.
- A stainless steel UHV-compatible pressure vessel houses a sensitive microbalance, with maximum load of 5 grams and resolution of 0.1 µg.
- Multiple pressure sensors, according to the application, from 2 mbar to 20 bar. Feedback regulation of pressure over the full range.
- Temperature control from 77 K to 1273 K with a range of different thermostat and reactor types.
- Continuous measurement of sample weight, pressure, temperature, with full data logging, and adaptive IGA method endpoint detection of sample equilibration.
- Compatible with a wide range of gases and vapours.
Measurement of:
- Sorption isotherm measurement and PCT mapping. Sorption capacity or uptake, gas solubility.
- Sorption kinetic data for diffusion and transport.
- Differential Heat of sorption, Differential Entropy of Sorption (van ’t Hoff analysis)
- In-situ degassing and activation treatments, with continuous data monitoring.
Base systems:
- IGA-001 for static gas sorption
- IGA-002 for static gas and vapour sorption
- IGA-003 for Dynamic gas and vapour sorption, mixed gas experiments, temperature-programmed methods, such as TGA, TPD, TPR, etc.
Each of these systems can be adapted with a range of options and accessories:
- Vacuum pumps and additional pressure sensors for gases and pure vapours
- Thermostats for cryogenic, near-ambient and elevated temperatures. Options for simple isothermal operations and for precise temperature ramping.
- Additional pressure sensors and flow regulation. Liquid bubblers and humidifiers for volatile liquid vapours.
- In-situ mass spectrometry.
You may also be interested by:
- Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS) with the IGAsorp
- XEMIS for high pressure gravimetric gas sorption and vapour sorption
- IMI volumetric Sieverts’ instrument for Gas Sorption
- Thermal Desorption Analysis for Hydrogen Storage with IMI-FLOW
If you would like to discuss your application, please contact us.